Root canal treatment is nothing to feel anxiety about. Our
Downers Grove endodontist, Dr. Linda Ricks, is an expert in root canal therapy and your entire process, from diagnosis to evaluation to treatment will run smoothly. Root canal treatment offers an excellent chance to save your natural tooth. The alternative is to have the tooth extracted, which leaves an empty space where a tooth used to be. This is not only cosmetically unappealing, but can lead to problems with your bite and discomfort if your teeth begin to shift. A dental restorative, such as an implant or a bridge, can be a solution but that is artificial. Keeping your tooth is always the best option and that is the goal of Dr. Ricks and our entire staff.
Dental Infections Downers Grove
Diagnosis of a root canal infection usually begins with pain. The infection can cause a severe toothache. Although it is possible to have no pain at all in the beginning, eventually you will feel something. Commonly, the pain will be when you chew or apply pressure to the tooth. Or it could be sensitive to very hot or very cold temperatures. Even tender gums or tooth discoloration could be the sign of a root canal problem. When you come in to be examined by our
Downers Grove endodontist, a check up and x-rays will confirm if the problem is in the root canal.
The process is often completed over the course of two or three appointments but the pain relief is much quicker. The first thing that our
Downers Grove endodontist will do is to provide a local anesthetic. The tooth will be drilled down so that Dr. Ricks can get access to the affected area. She will remove the nerve, the pulp, and any debris. She will clean the area out completely. At that point, the tooth is essentially dead and without any nerve, there is no pain. Most patients feel little or no pain during the root canal treatment. You may feel some soreness from the procedure itself but with an over the counter pain reliever should help significantly. If not, Dr. Ricks may prescribe a stronger pain reliever. A temporary crown is placed to protect the tooth between sessions and until a permanent crown is fashioned.
Root Canal Therapy Downers Grove
Linda Ricks, DDS, MS, PC
1112 South Washington, Suite 206
Naperville, Illinois 60540
By Linda Ricks, DDS, MS, PC
October 18, 2013
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