What exactly is a root canal infection? It's what happens when bacteria gain access to the pulp area of your tooth, typically due to large cavities, deep fillings, or a cracked or chipped tooth. When you begin to experience the unpleasant and recognizable symptoms that point to a root canal infection, it's time to call us and schedule treatment with our
Batavia endodontist. Root canal therapy is best handled by a specialist and Dr. Ricks performs these procedures on a regular basis, so you can feel confident that you're receiving the best care possible.
Just hearing the phrase “root canal” can be a scary proposition, but the real scary part is the pain you are likely to feel from having the infection, not the work done by our
Batavia endodontist to address it. The reality is that root canal therapy will alleviate your pain, not cause you more of it. Signs that are associated with a root canal infection include pain, usually severe, when you chew with the tooth or apply pressure to it, sensitivity to either hot or cold temperatures, tender gums, and tooth discoloration. What you don't want to do is ignore the problem or cover it up with an over the counter pain reliever because it won't simply go away on its own.
Once our
Batavia endodontist has diagnosed you with a root canal infection, you will either get immediate treatment or possibly you may have to take antibiotics first if there is significant swelling. The procedure itself generally requires more than one visit. To start, you will receive sufficient local anesthesia to numb you and ensure that you feel little if any discomfort during the process. We want you to be as comfortable as possible. Dr. Ricks will then drill from the top of the tooth to gain access to the pulp area so that the injured pulp and nerve can be removed. The area will then be cleaned. In between sessions, you will have a temporary crown to protect the tooth. When the work is complete, you will then be fitted for a permanent crown.
Seeing our Batavia endodontist promptly when you have a root canal infection will give you a much better chance of retaining your natural tooth and not having to resort to a tooth extraction and the need for an artificial tooth replacement. Root canal therapy has about a 90% success rate and remains the best, and usually only, chance to restore your tooth to a pain-free and healthy state.
Root Canal Therapy Batavia
Linda Ricks, DDS, MS, PC
1112 South Washington, Suite 206
Naperville, Illinois 60540
By Linda Ricks, DDS, MS, PC
February 24, 2015