Some of our patients have complained of sharp pain while they are chewing, which is a symptom of the dental condition, cracked tooth syndrome. Teeth that cause cracked tooth syndrome usually have fractures that are too small to be seen on X-rays. Our
Batavia endodontist, Linda Ricks, DDS, MS, PC, has also seen some cases where the fracture is below the gum line, making it even more difficult to identify. Cracked tooth syndrome is a condition that has to be detected and treated as early as possible before the damage puts your tooth at risk. If the crack reaches the pulp chamber of your cracked tooth, the pulp tissue becomes exposed to bacteria and bacterial toxins, becomes inflamed, and develops a tooth infection. Dr. Ricks will perform a thorough examination of the tooth, using a sharp instrument called an explorer, to feel for cracks on the tooth, and probe the gums to feel for irregularities under your gum line.
Fractured Teeth 60540
If a cracked tooth is left untreated, it can result in the death of the nerve (pulpal necrosis), and tooth abscess (infection), which will then require root canal treatment. In more serious cases your tooth can split in two, reducing its chances of being fixed, usually resulting in tooth extraction. Statistics show that people today are living longer and keeping their teeth for more years, which actually increases the risk of having a fractured tooth and experiencing the problems of cracked tooth syndrome. Our
Batavia endodontist explains to our patients that once the crack extends to the pulp chamber, chewing may cause movement of the cracked piece of the tooth. This will then result in the tooth’s pulp becoming irritated, causing momentary, sharp pain. Continuous irritation of the pulp during chewing can damage the pulp, and your tooth may begin to hurt on its own.
A fractured tooth can hurt even if the crack has not reached the pulp if the crack extends up to the dentin. The small movement of the cracked piece while chewing will cause movement of the fluids in the dentin’s microtubules, causing a sharp sensitivity-like pain. Fractured teeth are becoming more common, with the number of dental procedures performed on each tooth increasing, which makes them more susceptible to cracking. Our
Batavia endodontist educates our patients of the risks and causes of cracked tooth syndrome, including clenching or grinding teeth, bad chewing habits such as biting pencils or chewing on hard foods, trauma to your mouth, large fillings that can weaken your teeth, and untreated extensive tooth decay.
Cracked Tooth Syndrome Batavia
Linda Ricks, DDS, MS, PC
1112 South Washington, Suite 206
Naperville, Illinois 60540
By Linda Ricks, DDS, MS, PC
September 28, 2015