Endodontic Surgery in Naperville
Have you been told by your regular dentist that you need to see a dentist who specializes in endodontics? Endodontics is the dental specialty that is concerned with the study and treatment of the dental pulp – it is concerned with saving the life of a tooth. When you need
endodontic surgery in Naperville you want to make sure you are coming to an expert in the field, such as our endodontist, Dr. Linda Ricks.
At our endodontic practice, Linda Ricks, DDS, MS, PC, our expert endodontist has been providing exceptional care to our community for over 15 years. At our practice we specialize in conventional, microscopic, and surgical endodontics. When patients come to us for
endodontic surgery in Naperville, they receive the highest level of professional care. We provide many treatments, including apicoectomies and root canal therapies. We make sure that our patients are comfortable at all times. Oftentimes the patients will only need a local anesthesia for a procedure. However, we do offer nitrous oxide sedation for our more anxious patients.
A type of
endodontic surgery in Naperville that we perform on a regular basis is an apicoectomy. An apicoectomy is also called a root end resection. This surgical treatment is performed when our doctor needs to remove infection from the root tip as well as infection from the surrounding tissue. This procedure is needed when an infection continues after root canal therapy or retreatment is performed. The way this procedure is performed, is that an incision is made into the gums to expose the bone and surrounding tissue. The damaged, inflamed tissue is removed by our surgeon, along with the end of the root tip. A root-end filling is inserted to prevent the root to become re-infected. The incision is closed with sutures, and it will heal over the course of a few months. At this point full function of the area will return. During healing there may be a little bit of discomfort or slight swelling. This procedure is not needed if a root canal treatment for root canal retreatment is effective. These procedures stand a greater chance of success if they are performed sooner rather than later. Therefore, if you are experiencing any tooth pain, you will want to contact our office for an appointment.
Linda Ricks, DDS, MS, PC
1112 South Washington
Suite 206
Naperville, IL 60540
(630) 687-1590
By Linda Ricks, DDS, MS, PC
January 14, 2016
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